Samoan Congregation
The first Samoans arrived at Wesley Church in December 1951. They quickly joined in church and bible class activities and the Wesley youth made special efforts to help them feel welcome. By the mid-1950s they were an inseparable part of young people’s activities at Wesley Church. Aloha Night dances were hosted by the Samoans as early as 1955. In May 1956 it was announced that the quarterly meeting had approved the holding of services in the Samoan language, the first of which was held on Sunday 10 June 1956. At this service the Superintendent, Rev. W. H. Greenslade, inducted the pastor, Faleupolu Taulelei, as a local preacher.
The Samoan Congregation has grown in numbers over the years ever since and continues to take an active part in all Wesley Church activities. In 2006 we celebrated 50 years at Taranaki Street. In late 2007, the Waitangirua Samoan Community began meeting for worship at Waitangirua Hall.
Our Motto
Our motto is “Ua tasi tatou ia Keriso” which means “We are one in Christ”.
Our Services
We have church services in the Samoan language every Sunday at 2pm, followed by refreshments in the New Hall. Preceding the service is Sunday School from 12-2pm. On first Sundays we take part in the Combined Service of Holy Communion at 10am.
The Waitangirua Samoan Community meet at Waitangirua Hall, cnr Corinna and Warspite Avenues, every Sunday (except 1st Sundays) at 11am.
Other Activities
Junior Youth (Tupulaga Talavou):Mixed age from 10 years and over, meets Fridays, 4:30-6pm, in the church. Bible Studies every Sunday (except 1st Sundays), from February-September, 12-2pm, Old Hall.
Youth Group (Autalavou):Secondary School to University students. The group meets on Fridays, 8-10pm, in the Old Hall (church on 3rd Fridays). There is also a meeting on Saturdays, from 5pm, in the church, or Old Hall where available for volleyball. Devotional and bible studies every Sunday (except 1st Sunday), 6-8pm, Old Hall.
Fornightly Prayer Meeting:This is held every other Wednesday night in the church, 6-9pm, alternating with the Tongan Congregation.
Choir Practice (Aufaipese):Practices on Fridays, 6-8pm in the New Hall (church on 3rd Fridays).
Samoan Women’s Fellowship (Mafutaga a Tamai’tai):Special Programme, every first Saturday, 9am-5pm, New Hall.
Sewing, every fourth Saturday, 9am-5pm, New Hall.
Our Congregation Leaders
Presbyter: Rev. Utumau'u Pupulu
Steward: Aifimalie Alefosio
Secretary: Seaga Toelupe